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There's Good
God created
a beautiful world, complete with everything His creatures
would need. He looked on His creation and saw “that it was
good” (Genesis 1:31). It was good because it came from His
good creative hand. He created it for His pleasure.
the Lord taketh pleasure in his people; he will beautify the
meek with salvation” Psalm 1.4).

Among God’s
creation were a man and a woman who were given the opportunity
to live in this wonderful paradise He had created for them.
But there
was a dilemma. Man and woman decided God’s Word was not
binding, and their disobedience brought “bad news” and caused
them to be expelled from the lovely paradise. God had told
them “The day thou eatest of it [tree of knowledge of good and
evil] thou shalt surely die” (Genesis 2:17).
They ate,
and sin entered the world. “Wherefore….by one man sin entered
into the world…” Romans 5:12.

The bad
news: “For the wages of sin is death…” (Romans 6:23). That
was really bad news for the man and woman! The bad
news was more than their physical bodies dying; it entailed
eternity (separation from their Creator forever).
Further bad
news was that they were created to reproduce “after their own
kind” reproducing more like themselves who bore the sin-ladened
seed to all mankind, including us.
“All have
sinned…” (Romans 3:23). Since all have sinned, and the result
is death, that bad news was passed on to us.

We are a
“Good News” place here, so why did we begin with the bad
news? Well, the answer is: Just so we will all know we have
a loving Creator who doesn’t want us to suffer the
consequences the bad news. Our loving Creator has a remedy
for the consequences of sin entering the world and infecting
every person who has ever been born.

Our world
is in trouble (part of the bad news). If you listen to any
news media, it won’t take long to figure that out. In spite
of all the bad news, there is hope. Actually, there is only
one way out of the mess the world is in, and His name is
“For God so
loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have
everlasting life” (John 3:16).

If you are
tired of all the bad news, tune in on God’s wave length.
Turn your
dial to B-I-B-L-E and hear about the answer to the world’s

That’s why
we are here. We want to help spread the Good News that will
not only promote God’s remedy to the death-producing problem
of sin, but will point to a reason to smile and enjoy the
journey while on the earth and help those who will accept the
remedy to build a secure future with God.
Come often
as we will be updating fairly regularly. Join our mailing
list if you would like to be notified of updates.

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Copyright There's Good News 2006