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Using the Bible as our compass helps us stay on course and live the "Unmistakable Life"

“Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins and my heart” (Psalm 26:2).

In a world of injustice, we must make a plan to maintain peace and joy.  We as believers must live by the words of Christ and determine that we will not make excuses for our mistakes; we will not justify every wrong that we do.  We need to determine today that when we realize we are in the wrong; we will make a 180-degree turn in our path, correct ourselves and show our maturity.  We can be a living example for others that righteousness is a way to happiness, not because we have earned it but because it was freely given to us.

We must stand fixed and unmoved with the principles that we are learning from the word of God.  We must make our stand unmistakably with the Lord!  You might wonder why the stand we make be “unmistakable.”  One of the answers would be that the world we live in is confused, and we all continually choose to use justification for every wrong act we make.  If we are going to survive, if we are going to be filled with joy and live in happiness, if we are going to have the peace of God in our lives regardless of what happens, we must make a conscious decision to stand for our righteousness and not be moved!

Our stand must be able to be recognized and; believe me, if you choose to live a life of self-correctness and not self- justification it will be recognized. Recall your commitment to our Lord and Savior as you meditate on the principles that have been mentioned and upon the scriptures that have been applied.  Today, make a choice to recall the redemption that He has so freely given to you and me.

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts” (Psalm 139.23).

May God’s Blessings flow freely to and through you~








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