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  Don't Loose Sight of the Star You are Pursuing in God's Plan



In time, as life unfolds, we learn that we have to make decisions and those decisions are not always easy for us to make.  As we grow and change our direction, our desires, our hopes, our dreams, our own understanding takes shape and fashions itself more like our creator.  As we shape and fashion our lives to be more like our creator we learn to follow His plan for our lives.  We are made in the likeness of God; we are a created spirit housed in this mortal body.  We learn as we mature in the ways of God to follow our heart, the inner man, the spirit of man, to not follow the intellect of our mortal nature but to follow the hidden man of the heart, the “real you.”  As we learn to be led through our lives by our spirit we find that our desires change and the things we pursue may be different than we first imagined.  We are to follow our heart, His plan, our desires, His plan, our hopes, His plan, and as we do we begin to experience that our needs are fulfilled and our life becomes brand new.

It is based upon our obedience to follow His plan.  If we will pursue the plans that He has for us and be able to broaden our visions to see through His eyes we will find the liberty to live free from worry, free from the heartache, free from the pains of guilt; because we have chosen to follow Him.  If we follow Him and learn of His ways we are not promised to never suffer but we are promised that He will be there with us; and as we learn to lean and rely upon Him. He takes our burdens and exchanges our burdens for His burdens.  Our focus changes from fulfilling our own plan; we find ourselves with a new life mentality; and we discover that all of our problems have dissipated in and through His Light--They have miraculously been solved.  The reason He takes the burden is because we have learned to trust Him and believe that He will take care of our every need.

These statements have been repeated so many times that many of us only hear words and not the true depths of the meaning.  When we learn to trust Him, when we learn to lean and rely upon Him we don’t become fragmented or torn apart; we become whole and complete knowing that He knows the direction that will bring wholeness to our lives based on here and now and the depths of our future.

Allow the thoughts, possibilities, and plans that you have for your tomorrow to be viewed with alternative probabilities.  Life is good!  Take a new look at life from a different prospective.  Envision for the moment as change being a good thing, although you may at times feel separation because of a change in direction.  Today, have a different prospective; view your life from a different angle.  As you view your life from another angle allow the Holy Spirit to give you foresight into possibilities that will bring blessings.  Wisdom comes to everyone but everyone will not receive her.  Those who seek her shall find her because she is there with you and strives to assist you in every decision you make.

Begin today to confess: "Today, I strive to walk in wisdom; I seek after understanding; I pursue knowledge that will help me walk in a directed path that will bring blessings to me, my family and all those I contact each day, a full satisfied life free from worry, and free from troubled emotional hardships."

But that doesn’t by any means take away from those opportunities to worry, have hardships and trouble; but it allows us to understand that our only option isn’t to give in or fall down under the load.  Hardship, trouble, and worry comes to everyone.  We decide what we do when they occur.  Live free and enjoy your life everyday.  It doesn’t matter what the circumstance, what we feel, or even what we see but we endeavor to learn to trust the Holy Spirit to lead us through, around, and beyond each situation as it arises.

“Our Heavenly Father, I pray that these words that are written will be easily understood and bring a rest to the weary, bring peace to the troubled, bring joy to the down hearted.  I pray that Your Word will be revealed in a way that will open the hearts and minds of those that will hear Your Word.  Father, I thank You for allowing me the opportunity to share with others the divine blessings that You have stored for them.  May we all understand that the callings and provocations that are given to us are not revoked; and You help us always to walk in the paths of righteousness to see the plan You designed for our lives, to pursue the call that You personalized for each of us, and to follow Your plan with the divine guidance of the Holy Spirit that You have so graciously given to each of us.  Thank you, Father, for always hearing and answering our prayers.  In Jesus Name, Amen.”

Remember today to find the Love that rests in you and allow that Love to speak into the lives of the people you contact today!  Be blessed in all you do in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Happy New Year! 

~~~Fred Roark~~~






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