Are you willing to do
whatever God puts in front of you to do? Can you do it
without mentioning it to anyone?
Are you able to do good
things and not receive any credit at all? Simply live
for the Glory of God and not the glory of man? It is a
hard thing to do to live a life totally submitted to
following and doing what God wants us to do.
What if it were only you on
the earth?--Do you know that Jesus would have done what
He did just for you? We are not our own we have been
bought with a price. “You
surely know that your body is a temple where the Holy
Spirit lives. The Spirit is in you and is a gift from
God. You are no longer your own” 1 Corinthians 6:19 CEV).
We must learn that today we
have a calling on our lives. We must obey that calling.
Whether the calling is to bless one or many, we should
be diligent to do it for the One who called us. If your
calling is for you to meet one person on this earth and
give to them all that God has for them to receive,
whether it is prayer, love, compassion, concern,
and/or acceptance into the arms of Christ through you,
it should only matter that we are to know, do and be
ready, willing and able to fulfill the call that our
Father has for us.
2 Corinthians 9:7 says that
we should “give [so] that blessings may come to
someone”. Our motives must be pure in order to bring
blessings to others and receive the blessings God has
for us. Joy comes that our hearts will be filled and
satisfied. We must fill our lives with the Joy of the
Lord so that we can complete our calling and allow the
love and life of God to flow through us and bring
blessings to others.
Remember that our cup must
be full before it will be running over. We fill our cup
in and through the Word of God, and operating in and
through the Holy Spirit, this allows the Spirit of God
to flow through our lives. This same Spirit that fills
our cup will flow continually through us to others that
God has in our path.
Today as you choose your
path remember that you make that choice to
please. Have a blessed day filled with the Love of God.
......Freddy Roark