Happy Father's Day!


Who would have guessed that the  'ho-hum' cocoon would leave such a lovely mark fluttering on the milk weed branch?  What wonders our God has created!  A butterfly's life concludes after just weeks, yet it's beauty is unexcelled.  That must lead one to consider if maybe quality is more important in God's eyes than quantity.

Life lived adhered to the Creator leaves an indelible mark on those touched by it.  Whether the length is long or short, the most important issue is:  Was this life dedicated to God and beneficial to other lives?

Some of us had our Fathers 70 years or more, while others aren't so blessed.  However long he lives, he leaves a mark for his family.  The godly father is a price above all riches.  His legacy may not be deposited in National Bank or stocks and bonds, but the mark he can leave is far more valuable.

As early pioneers marked trees and noted rocks and mountains through uncharted territory so others could find the trail, dads are marking their path every day and leaving 'signs' along the way which their family will find.  It is inevitable, whether they plan it or not, that dads are 'leaving their mark.'  As the family's leader dad is accountable to his Father in heaven to leave a plain path for his posterity.

"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delighteth in his way...The law of his God is in his heart, none of his steps shall slide" (Psalm 37:23, 31).

All dads should know that they are leaving footprints for little feet and bright little eyes are watching and following in the steps of his/her dad.  The mark left by dad's footprints will be the guide for the little feet that come after.  The children in Sunday school sing a song that says "Be careful little feet where you go..."  Maybe dads could sing it too and just change "little feet" to "big feet" and be careful of the trail they are marking in their life journey.

Dads only have one life to get it right for their kids.

Thoreau said that if the sight of a flaming maple tree in full color should be seen only once in all time, the memory of it would be handed down by tradition until it became enshrined in the mythology of the race.

He went on to say that if a man were granted in a lifetime but one unhurried view of the full glory of sunset, the recollection of it would be treasured all his days.

If fathers could see ahead and just get one glimpse of where their influence was leading their children, their feet would walk straight paths and anticipate the future of young men and women who were stepping in the mark dad left behind.  He is 'building' lives.

An old Chinese proverb puts it this way:

"If your vision is for a year, plant wheat.  If your vision is for ten years, plant trees.  If your vision is for a lifetime, plant people."

Dad, you are planting people!  Nurture them to be godly adults!   It's a miracle that you can perform with assistant from God.

"Happy Father's Day!"

 My dad's (and mom's) page;  My tribute

My dad's biography




 Who Is Following Me?

Wandering--down life's road,

Wondering--what the future holds.

Pondering--what my life is worth,

Living--is faith shown by my works?

Have I marked a clear trail

that even the blind can see?

Have a I walked a straight path

so the lame can follow me?

The answer is in my heart

when I am honest with myself--

Lame and blind, the feeble can make it

with my good eyes and strong arms to help.

 "Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees" (Hebrews 12:12).













@ There's Good News June 2008

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